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America's Home Cooking: B is for Bacon
Installment Membership
$5/mo x 12 months
Cookbook: B is for Bacon


$10 Pledge *Installment*

 COMBO (3 cookbooks) 

$ 10.00

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America's Home Cooking: B is for Bacon
Installment Membership
$10/mo x 12 months
ABC's of America's Home Cooking Combo: A is for Appetizer, B is for Bacon, C is for Comfort Food Cookbooks


$12.50 Pledge *Installment*

 COMBO (5 cookbooks) 

$ 12.50

 /  1 month

America's Home Cooking: B is for Bacon
Installment Membership
$12.50 per mo x 12 months
ABC'S AND more!! COMBO-5 Cookbooks: A is for Appetizer, B is for Bacon, C is for Comfort Food, Easy Recipes for Thrifty Cooking, What's for Dinner


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